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About Us

G-NiiB® is the registered trademark of GenieBiome Limited

GenieBiome, a biotechnology spinout from The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded by world-renowned clinician-scientists and supported by a multidisciplinary team of experts in microbiology, metagenomics, bioinformatics, health problem biomarkers, food technology, clinical trials, IP development and commercialization. For over a decade, our team has pioneered the use of microbiome with evidence-based science to tackle a myriad of health problems, including novel virus, gut problems, overweight and metabolic symptoms, skin irritation and mental health.

Our precision portfolio of G-NiiB includes diagnostic and risk prediction tests, next-generation microbiome precision formula, and precision medicine tailored for the Asian population.

G-NiiB immunity formula developed from the first global novel virus microbiome research findings, and the first in the world microbiome based non-invasive diagnostic are ready to serve the Asian Chinese population now.

Corporate Purpose, Vision and Mission

G-NiiB® is the registered trademark of GenieBiome Limited



"G-N" -  Empowering the health of "Generation-N" which is our Next Generation by providing personalised microbiome solution

"ii" - Embracing "Innovation and Integrity" as our core values in our scientific discovery

​"B" - Targeting the “Biome” of our micro-organisms as potential diagnostics and therapeutics


We have a unique solution to health.

We use our unique metagenomics database to identify novel microbes as diagnostic tools and generate personalised therapy for conditions with unmet needs (Microbiome Precision). We offer tailored-made microbial replacement therapy to restore imbalance in gut microbes to improve health outcomes and prevent diseases.

We pursue infinite innovations that is beyond our imaginations, and to achieve the mission impossibles. G-NiiB is building the world’s largest microBiome Asian Big data to fulfill our mission to provide evidence based targeted solutions for the healthy future of the Next Generations.


To be a world leader in Asian Microbiota research,G-NiiB’s vision is:

Build the largest microbial dataset in Asia
Develop microbiome-based diagnostics and therapeutics solution
Offer precise, reliable, safe and effective solution to improve health outcomes.

Big data analysis on our exclusive and extensive database reveals Asian and Chinese populations have unique microbiome profile compared to other ethnicities due to hereditary and environmental factors. As such, the microbiome based application in precision diagnosis and therapy may also be different.

Informed by scientific evidence, G-NiiB aims to broaden the availability of microbiome technologies to naturally restore and improves Asian Chinese health in the most precise manner. To achieve this mission, The research team is building the world’s largest microbiome database on Chinese and Asian populations, and incorporating a proprietary big data and machine learning analytics to microbiome research to improve accuracy and efficiency.


For more information about GenieBiome’s research and pipeline, please www.geniebiome.com